“Chapter XII. On the way of making a second waggon which is propelled by the wind without draught animals, and which dashes violently over open country to the confusion of all troops”
Guido Vigevano’s Wind Car (1335)
Los Grumildos in NYC
Los Grumildos, the low-tech mechanical puppets by Ety Fefer, are coming to the US for the first time. July 28 – August 2 in New York City.
Antivirus Software Sucks
“It’s not just AV software. The entire software industry operates this way.
1. Shovel feature-rich bug-ware onto unsuspecting schlubs to build “brand”
(especially in the enterprise/IT market where the person purchasing the
software is often not the person who has to use it, so they make
decisions based on feature list and brand name rather than quality)
2. Wait for hobbyists, researchers, or smaller companies to figure out how to do it right
3. Buy their companies
4. Repeat”
Quoted from the discussion at Slashdot.