“The changing rural habitat, volume one: case studies” & “The changing rural habitat, volume two: background papers“, Brian Brace Taylor, 1982.
The Changing Rural Habitat
Ship mills
“Boat mills: water powered, floating factories” at Low-tech Magazine. Some extra images below:
Designed For The Dump
“The Story of Electronics: Why ‘Designed for the Dump’ is Toxic for People and the Planet” (video). Related:
- The monster footprint of digital technology – how much energy does it take to manufacture electronics?
- iFixit – repair manuals online
Practical Conservation Handbooks: More Excellent DIY Resources
The British charity BTCV has an interesting collection of practical handbooks online. They all concern traditional practices and give a wealth of how-to details, including many drawings. Update December 2: BTCV has taken the books offline.
Related resources:
Leaf Blowers Must Die
“No Tech Magazine editor kills idiot with leaf blower“. One day, maybe even this autumn, the headline will link to a real news article. There might be more killings: “No object better exemplifies the worst of civilization than the leaf blower. Even the most grievous machines of mechanized death humankind has inflicted upon itself pale compared to the cosmic insult with which leaf blowers slur humanity.” Read.
Fertilizer Trees
“Presenting the antithesis to the high-tech, high-cost and genetically-modified industrial vision sometimes pushed on Africa, Science Daily reports on the potential of evergreen agriculture and the use of fertilizer trees to increase food production, in a low-cost and environmentally more sustainable way”, writes Matthew McDermott at Treehugger.