The Hase Klimax has won the Eurobike 2010 award. The Klimax is a recumbent trike with a foldable fairing and electric assist. Beats any electric city car in terms of efficiency.
Tricycle with Foldable Fairing
Wind Powered Trikes
Pterosail Trike Systems is sailing and cycling over 3,000 miles from coast to coast across the USA this summer. The Pterosail is a street-legal recumbent tricycle with sails. It can reach up to 40 mph in good winds. No wind? Pedal. See also, below: the Whike, a Dutch made sail assisted trike.
Related: Guido Vigevano’s wind car / Sailing rockets / Kiteboating / Velomobiles.
Tandem Cargo Tricycle (1940) & More Vintage Dutch Carrier Bikes
Mechanics from the Dutch telecom department PTT (1940). Found at Transportfiets. The blog has more pictures of old Dutch carrier bikes, some of them below.