A rising tide of ocean debris

Ocean debris

The Marine Debris Index presents state-by-state and country-by-country data about marine debris collected and tallied by volunteers around the world on one day each September at the International Coastal Cleanup. Almost 7 million pounds of trash (3 million kg) was collected. (via). Related: fishing for litter – the dustcarts of the sea.

The battle of the bowlturners

Man versus machine (video). Traditional bowl turner Robin Wood on his foot powered lathe races a friend on an electric lathe to see who can make a bowl fastest. Related: the museum of old techniques.

Tigchel heaters and finovens

Tigchel heater

Picture gallery. Previously: Sunbathing in the living room: oven stoves and heat walls.

The electric man & the electric horse

The electric horse

Here. More Victorian Era robots. Thanks, David.

The woodmobile

Woodgas volvo

Who needs gasoline or batteries? John Dutch’s Volvo 240 is powered by wood.

“After 2000 kilometers on woodgas everything worked properly. Top speed is 120 km/h. Cruising speed 100-110 km/h. Fuel consumption approximately 30 kilos of wood for one hundred kilometers, which is also one effective filling of the fuel bin. The back seat loaded with sacks of wood make the total range approximately 400 kilometers.”

Update: “Wood gas vehicles: firewood in the fuel tank“.

Lost London

lost london

Picture gallery. Via Things Magazine.