Airships Past and Present, by A.Hildebrandt (1908)

airships past and present

Airships past and present – together with chapters on the use of balloons in connection with meteorology, photography and the carrier pigeon” by A. Hildebrandt, captain and instructor in the Prussian Balloon Corps (1908). Pictures, table of contents and list of illustrations below. Related: Camping in the clouds – the zeppelin that never lands / Green slow air cargo / Kite aerial photography.

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Smarter Technology

“No, I’m not some old hippie or off-the grid survivalist. I’m a big city guy who really likes modern technology, especially computers. But when does the heavy application of technology become overkill? The more I started poking around, the more I found others thinking along the same lines. It’s too early to pronounce this a trend, but there are budding signs.” Read 1 / 2 / 3. Sponsored by IBM !

The Great Panjandrum Rolls Again

The Great Panjandrum

Secret weapon designed for D-Day roars back to life for anniversary. Via The Retro Blog.

Street life

Approximately 1.3 million people die each year on the world’s roads, and between 20 and 50 million sustain non-fatal injuries. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists make up almost half of those killed on the roads. Global status report on road safety / country profiles.

The Body as a Machine


Anatomies by Fernando Vicente. Via Tecob & Bioephemera. Inspired by the works of Fritz Kahn and others (see illustrations below).

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Steel Art by Chris Hausbeck

Chris hausbeck

Mechanical sculptures, steel art, welded furniture, bikes (see also the cycle mower) and more disturbing objects by Chris Hausbeck.